Table of Contents

I, myself, have started having a hard time navigating the archive, so when someone suggested a real table of contents, I knew it was about that time. Since I have something of a dislike for clutter, I’ve created a post for the Table of Contents to hide in, which can be accessed by a link in the top menu, or by a link in the sidebar to the right.

A reverse order table of contents was chosen, but, if desired, it wouldn’t take much effort to create a table of contents organized in a normal fashion. Let me know below if this really doesn’t work for you. If enough people dislike it, I will make a normal table of contents.

Reverse order table of contents:


  1. kyosukedei

    i guess you have stop writing this? Though I suspect your views dropped when Bob became “less badass”.

    Well hope you pick it up again one day.

    • farmerbob1

      I have stopped writing Symbiote, for now. Before I consider writing more in this universe, I’m going to go through the whole story and rewrite it with what I have learned. Symbiote was the second serial fiction I wrote. The first original serial fiction. I’ve learned SO MUCH about writing while I wrote Symbiote, and in projects after that, and I’m still learning!

      One of the first things that will change is the title. Instead of Symbiote, it will be Symbiont. Partly to get away from the whole Spider-Man thing, and partly because, well, symbiote is the correct term.

      Bob and Frank won’t change much, and most characters will remain almost the same, but the presentation and plotlines will be cleaned up. Dart/Ayva and Animal will be hinted at as a little more capable than the rest, earlier. A lot of my abrupt decisions in the later stages of the writing will be better accommodated and hinted at earlier.

      • SaberWolf

        Cool. Can you tell us (or post), when it is done?

        I got the link to this site from Worm, and from the reviews I’ve read, I really want to try it out!

        • farmerbob1

          I’m nearly finished with my current writing project. When Set In Stone: Follower is done, edited, and published, I will be working on my other original fiction, to edit and publish it. Symbiote will be the first to get edited and published, and I will most definitely announce it here.

  2. ryune

    So it’s been a number of years since you last posted anything that I can see here but I thought I’d inform you that the 4.42: epilogue isn’t in the table of contents. I would have missed it if I hadn’t looks for some more recent activity on your main area.

  3. GeorgyLJF

    I’ve been reading this amazing book for a long time now (on and off from time to time… but always come back to read some more XD) and I’m getting to the end right now… :’) it’s been an amazingly awesome and incredible ride… and i hope to read more things written by you 🙂
    Thank you very much for being this amazing writer and for this wonderful journey you have given me 🙂
    Sincerely, a grateful reader.

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